(here's my shorty story!! It's a drabble =D)
I am at GLPS.
I wake up at seven.
I wash myself and prepare.
Then I take the elevator.
I am going to eat breakfast!
Then I go to Dasan building.
meet my friends and teachers.
That’s the start of my days in GLPS.
Four classes.
Work hard, play hard.
That’s what Wayne said..
After that,
It’s lunch!
Lunch after four classes is heaven.
But the rest after that is even more
Then more three classes.
Oh yes, it’s dinner.
Oh, no, it’s self studying time.
At ten thirty, my day is over.
Let’s go to bed.
I noticed that a lot of students were writing about their daily lives in GLPS. The read was enjoyable! I hope your camp experience was/is satisfactory.